
are appearing there is a plethora of the male "Adonis" type of little magazine on the stands. Books of male nudes are now beginning to appear. What our printer calls "Boyly" magazines as the opposite to "girly" mags of which there must be 200 available.


While Kinsey and others maintain that the incicence of homosexuality has not increased, it's evidence cert- ainly has. Numerous homophile societies and publica- tions are in existance. The homophile community is on the march AND on the way to gaining acceptance. As I was writing this I heard on the radio that England's House of Commons had passed a bill making homosexual acts between consenting adults in private, legal. was the recommendation of the famous Wolfenden report of some years ago but it took this long to gain enough popular support to make it in Commons. The House of Lords may still not be broad minded enough for it but it too will come around. In this country Illinois has already adopted the Model Penal Code of the American Bar Assn. and New York and California have it under study. This same clause appears in this code. So the snowball rolls here too.

Some of the more narrow minded of our sister TVs see nothing good in anything that homosexuals do, but we ought to remember that their persecution is our persecution and their victory will be our victory too. We are not understood and condemned today because we are linked with the homophile world. When society

learns to tolerate them it will have removed its in- tolerance and non-understanding of us. So, personally I am all for their success and would cooperate in help- ing them to achieve it where I could, out of pure self interest for our group if nothing else. There is, how- ever, the broader interest of helping all minorities toward acceptance.

This thought naturally requires that a word be said about the climate toward racial integration. This too works in our favor though it may not seem so. Color and class bigotry and prejudice would seem to be a far cry from the disapproval of sexual or general